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About AES

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About AES

In California, vulnerable students disproportionately attend under performing schools in high-poverty neighborhoods with low graduation and high drop-out rates. AES believes no challenge is more critical to California’s future than improving outcomes at these schools, and addressing the inequities faced by low-income, minority and first generation students.

For most students who attend an under performing school, their day often begins with a dose of gloom, disorder or negativity. Entering a school that focuses more on their ability to follow rules and adequately pass a test, and less on their ability to be engaged and invested in their learning, these students feel little or no connection to their school or their teachers.

In order to combat and reverse this trend, AES is actively working to ensure that all schools in California have a culture and climate that support high quality learning environments which are student centered and support educator collaboration and youth engagement.

AES believes all young people deserve a high quality education, and is committed to working collaboratively to eliminate the barriers to learning.

To learn more about AES and the work it does go to


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