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From the field: What’s Working?

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Pipeline through College, supporting first generation students to “dream big so they can live big”. 

First generation, low income and minority students often face compounded challenges when making the transition from high school to college. Pipeline though College, an innovative college access and success program run by paraprofessionals from The Cross Cultural Leadership Center at Chico State, is changing the odds for these young people.

A unique partnership between Cal State Chico, AES, and San Juan and Encina Prep high schools (both in the San Juan Unified School District) in the Sacramento area, Pipeline through College offers first generation, low income and minority students the opportunity to overcome their barriers to learning by preparing them for college and post-secondary success.

Positive Learning Environment

Matching the experiences and talents of college students with high school students who want to “dream big” but don’t know how, Pipeline provides students with a first generation college mentor from Chico State who has faced similar challenges, and a school-based adviser (usually a teacher), to connect to students in their junior year, before they begin thinking about life after high school, and to then follow them through their senior year to graduation.

For more on Pipeline through College

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