Street Talks
Giving Youth Voice in Our Virtual Community
What We Do
Street Talks are a chance for young people to come together to talk about COVID-19 and how it is impacting their lives and communities. After each Friday virtual Street Talk session, AES posts highlights of the virtual session on our social media to showcase the power of youth voice and continue the conversation. Below is a list of past and upcoming Street Talk topics.
4/3/2020: Senioritis to Coronavirus: The effects of COVID-19 on the Class of 2020 – to see the full video, click here.
4/10/2020: COVID-19 Suspends the ACT and SAT Tests
4/17/2020: Health Disparities for African Americans due to COVID-19
4/24/2020: Are Your Feeling the Bern? Youth Votes Still Matter Even Though Bernie is Out
5/1/2020: Education Equity During Covid-19