DLA: Participants Prepare for Graduation
Yesterday marked the last day of Level 2 of the Davitto Leadership Academy. Since December, the teams’ hard work and dedication toward the success of their Passion Projects has remained steadfast. Each participant has been guided by mentors to assist them in their goals for change. Saturday, January 19th, marks the DLA Graduation for Levels 1 & 2 where each participant will present their Passion Projects and celebrate their accomplishments over the last year.

This morning focused on honing the participants’ public speaking skills using tone, vocal pace and clarity, and body language. The joy and anticipation of the upcoming ceremony was felt during the afternoon’s outing to Macys. Each participant was given $125 and time with a Macys stylist to assist them in purchasing professional clothing. The DLA team was all smiles as they tried on different outfits, were measured for fitted shirts, and received professional advice from the Macys Stylists. The future is looking snazzy for these young change makers!