

Youth Voices/Student Voices

Working with Youth to Eliminate Barriers to Learning: A youth voice campaign to highlight the challenges students face on a daily basis in California schools. Read More


About AES

In California, vulnerable students disproportionately attend under performing schools in high-poverty neighborhoods with low graduation and high drop-out rates. AES believes no challenge is more critical to California’s future than improving outcomes at these schools, and addressing the inequities faced by low-income, minority and first generation students.


Research Desk: A New Report

The national narrative on under performing public schools focuses mostly on what’s wrong, what’s broken and what doesn’t work, but the public is hungry to learn what, if anything, does work.


From the field: What’s Working?

First generation, low income and minority students often face compounded challenges when making the transition from high school to college. Pipeline though College, an innovative college access and success program run by paraprofessionals from The Cross Cultural Leadership Center at Chico State, is changing the odds for these young people.

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